Hot Potato Hearts

THEY COULD DO BETTER (and they should)

Ages 21 and up
THEY COULD DO BETTER (and they should)
Tuesday, February 18
Doors: 8:30pm // Show: 9pm

Hot Potato Hearts presents THEY COULD DO BETTER (and they should) as their one off dating show in late celebration to Valentines Day. Julie & Katie, the hosts of Hot Potato Hearts, are taking the night off from helping you find love and are hoping to find it themselves. However they will not be the ones in control, they have handed cupid’s bow to their EXES!


Their exe’s Mandy & Noah will be swiping on the apps, reviewing dating applications December through January trying to find people who they believe to be matches for Julie & Katie. If you’re reading this and think you might be a good fit for Julie or Katie fill out the application in Hot Potato Hearts instagram bio or snag a ticket to the show & shoot your shot in person. 


The show itself is gonna be a ride, Julie and Katie will provide some insight and statistics on how they’ve gotten to this place of being so single they’ve asked their exe’s to set you up on stage. Mandy and Noah will explain how they let such perfect women slip through their fingers before presenting the potential suitors they have picked for Julie and Katie. Julie and Katie will determine who they want to date by playing silly games and asking inappropriate questions. 


Secrets will be shared, gossip will be spread, memories will be made and love just may be found. Hope to see you there!

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